

7 Ways to be Magnetic!

Hey there! Ever wonder how some folks just seem to get what they want, almost like magic? It’s not all magic; it’s actually science. Dr. Robert Cialdini figured out some tricks of the trade that can help you out. Let’s break it down, nice and easy.

Be a Giver to Get More: Ever shared your snacks and then noticed your friends are more likely to share theirs? That’s reciprocity. Start by doing little favors, and watch as people feel they wanna return the favor.

The Less There Is, The More You Want It: This one’s about scarcity. Tell someone they might miss out, and suddenly, they’re all in. Like when your favorite sneaker brand drops a limited edition, and everyone goes crazy trying to get a pair.

Show You’re the Real Deal: Authority matters. When you know your stuff, people listen. Like when a doctor gives advice, you’re all ears because you trust they know best.

Small Yeses Lead to Big Yeses: Consistency is key. When someone agrees to something small, they’re more likely to agree to something bigger later. It’s like saying yes to helping a friend with a small task, then finding yourself volunteering for bigger projects.

We Like People Who Are Like Us: It’s all about liking. We’re drawn to folks who share our interests or compliment us. It’s why you feel good when someone likes the same weird music as you.

Follow the Crowd: Social proof is powerful. If everyone’s raving about a new movie, you’re more likely to watch it, right? We feel safer in numbers.

We’re in This Together: Unity makes us feel part of something bigger. It’s that team spirit that makes you do crazy things, like paint your face in your team’s colors.

Mastering these principles can elevate your connections and influence. Want to see how it’s done? DM me for 3 free sample emails that make an impact. Let me craft a message that not only captures your readers’ attention but also converts them into loyal customers. Dive in at Let’s make your coaching services irresistible.


Feeling stuck with too many open slots?

You’re not alone. But guess what? There’s a simple fix. It’s called direct-response email copywriting. It’s like a magic wand for your calendar. Let’s break it down.
Make Your Emails Personal
People love feeling special. So, when you send an email, make it about them. Talk about their needs, their dreams. Did you know personalized emails can really crank up your bookings? It’s true. And don’t just blast the same message to everyone. That’s a no-go.
Your Call to Action Matters
Ever get an email that just… clicks? That’s the power of a killer call to action. Make yours pop. Tell your readers exactly what to do next. “Book now” or “Grab your spot” can turn readers into clients.
Tell a Story
We all love a good story. Share real success stories in your emails. Show how you’ve helped others just like them. It makes everything more real. Plus, it’s way more interesting than just facts and figures.
Keep Coming Back
Sometimes, it takes a few tries. Don’t give up if they don’t bite at first. Keep sending those gems. Stats say it might take five follow-ups. But when they do book, it’s all worth it.
Ready for a Change?
Direct response email copywriting is your ticket to a full schedule. Personal touches, strong CTAs, storytelling, and persistence are your best friends here.
Want to dive deeper? I’ve got you. DM me or check out Let’s fill up those slots together. Your next client is just an email away.

Hey there! Ever wonder how some folks just seem to get what they want, almost like magic? It’s not all magic; it’s actually science. Dr. Robert Cialdini figured out some tricks of the trade that can help you out. Let’s break it down, nice and easy.

Be a Giver to Get More: Ever shared your snacks and then noticed your friends are more likely to share theirs? That’s reciprocity. Start by doing little favors, and watch as people feel they wanna return the favor.

The Less There Is, The More You Want It: This one’s about scarcity. Tell someone they might miss out, and suddenly, they’re all in. Like when your favorite sneaker brand drops a limited edition, and everyone goes crazy trying to get a pair.

Show You’re the Real Deal: Authority matters. When you know your stuff, people listen. Like when a doctor gives advice, you’re all ears because you trust they know best.

Small Yeses Lead to Big Yeses: Consistency is key. When someone agrees to something small, they’re more likely to agree to something bigger later. It’s like saying yes to helping a friend with a small task, then finding yourself volunteering for bigger projects.

We Like People Who Are Like Us: It’s all about liking. We’re drawn to folks who share our interests or compliment us. It’s why you feel good when someone likes the same weird music as you.

Follow the Crowd: Social proof is powerful. If everyone’s raving about a new movie, you’re more likely to watch it, right? We feel safer in numbers.

We’re in This Together: Unity makes us feel part of something bigger. It’s that team spirit that makes you do crazy things, like paint your face in your team’s colors.

Mastering these principles can elevate your connections and influence. Want to see how it’s done? DM me for 3 free sample emails that make an impact. Let me craft a message that not only captures your readers’ attention but also converts them into loyal customers. Dive in at Let’s make your coaching services irresistible.


Looking to Boost Your Conversions? Focus on Selling Emotional Transformations

Think about the last time a movie had your heart racing for characters that aren’t even real. Now, imagine trying to get people to take action, like making a purchase, just by listing out product features. It takes more than just logic.

Here’s the key to moving from average results to incredible success:

Effective marketing taps into emotions – creating feelings of curiosity, hope, and desire – rather than just comparing technical details.

By highlighting the real struggles your audience faces or showing them a future they never thought possible thanks to your solution, your service goes from being just another option to a life-changing opportunity.

Take, for example, a financial advisor looking to attract more clients with direct mail. Instead of dry comparison charts, the marketing team introduces a character named Sam, who embodies the audience’s financial fears and dreams of an adventurous retirement. This story, mirroring their own concerns, makes the message resonate on a deeply personal level.

As you craft your next message, paint a picture of your audience’s current challenges and the brighter future they could have by choosing you. By drawing them in with a story that appeals to their emotions, you’re more likely to see a dramatic increase in engagement and conversions.

Remember, it’s not just about selling the practical benefits. It’s about selling the dream of a better life, much like those captivating movies. Let me help you make that emotional connection and unlock your potential for explosive growth. DM me or visit


John Stadum

Want Hordes of Serious Clients Banging Down Your Door?

Hard truth. Even if your money advice rocks…without interesting copy, good luck growing at all.

But I have the keys unlocking nonstop new business:

Words that grab emotions showing real success from past clients. Suddenly ears perk up hearing stories just like theirs now winning thanks to your coaching. Not boring bullet points putting people to sleep when they read.

I focus completely on waking up that inner “I can win” breakthrough feeling in readers across all backgrounds. By totally getting their money hopes and hang-ups, I carefully craft tales generating mad curiosity, then desire…once they clearly see your plan knocks down roadblocks stopping financial freedom fast, driving real outcomes.

No BS – you have kickass potential to launch people to new heights with memorable messages. I position your advice credibly way beyond box checkers. Together our words rapidly filter to great prospects cooperating for quick rising revenues beyond beliefs.

Yes, shocking copy cuts noise – but keeps it simple powerfully. Precise writing awakens engaged clarity working wonders shifting decisions your way favorably.

Why wait for another week of disappointing growth when substantial solutions are in easy grasp?  Let me help! Visit: or DM me! 

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